▷带I的动物【完整列表】 ▷带I的动物

John Kelly 12-10-2023
John Kelly

你知道有什么动物是以i开头的吗? 有许多物种的名字以这个字母开头的例子,我们将在这篇文章中向你展示。






  • 鬣狗 - 爬行动物
  • 小羚羊 - 羚羊
  • 伊拉拉 - 哺乳动物
  • ǞǞǞ - 老鹰
  • 宜必思 - 水鸟
  • 伊比克斯或伊比斯 - 野山羊
  • Iguanara - 哺乳动物
  • 指标 - 鸟儿
  • 尹德利 - 灵长类动物
  • 亥姆霍斯(Inhacoso) - 羚羊
  • 稻香村,稻香或稻香村 - 鸟儿
  • 英哈布阿佩或英哈普佩 - 鸟儿
  • 英汉普 - 鹌鹑
  • Inhapim - 大道
  • Inhauma - 鸟儿
  • 不可分割的 - 鸟儿
  • 伊佩库阿米拉(Ipecuacamirá - 鹌鹑
  • 怡品会 - 鸟儿
  • 伊拉普阿或伊拉普阿 - 蜂
  • Iratauá - 鸟儿
  • Iratim或Iraxim - 蜂
  • ǞǞǞ - 鸟儿
  • 伊雷尔 - 水蓝色
  • 袠 袠 袠 袠 袠 爷 爷 爷 爷 爷 爷 爷 爷 - 鸟儿


  • 白鹮
  • 秃头朱鹭
  • 朱鹭
  • 黑鹮
  • 神圣的朱鹮
  • 沙漠鬣蜥
  • 海鬣蜥
  • 斑纹蜥蜴
  • 绿色蜥蜴
  • 锐利的喷嘴指示器
  • 斑纹喉指示器
  • 有斑点的指标
  • 俾格米指标
  • 灰头土脸,形影不离
  • 与尼亚萨密不可分
  • 大伊拉陶阿
  • Iratauá小
  • 白枕头的虹膜
  • 北伊拉乌纳
  • Irauna伟大
  • Iraúna veiled
  • 廷纳穆-安汉格(Tinamou anhangá)
  • 英汉姆布卡拉佩(Inhambu carapé
  • 英汉姆布-卡里约
  • 英汉布合唱团
  • 红头竹
  • Inhambu preto, inamu preto或inanmbu preto
  • Inhambuaçu, inamuaçu或inambuaçu
  • Inhambucuá, inamucuá或inambucuá
  • Inhambuguaçu, inamuguaçu, inambuguaçu
  • Inhambupixuna, inanbupixuna 或 inamupixuna
  • Inhambuquiá, inamuquiá或inambuquiá


  • Ischnocnema abdita
  • 异色龙(Ischnocnema concolor
  • Ischnocnema gualteri
  • 枣树的故事
  • 乳酸菌(Ischnocnema lacticum)
  • 芒兹尼玛(Ischnocnema manezinho)
  • Ischnocnema pusilla
  • 斑马鱼(Ischnocnema sambaqui)


在本文的开头,我们谈到了一个在巴西非常流行的游戏,即 "停止",也叫 "Adedonha"、"Adedanha"、"Salada de Frutas"、"Jogo de palavras"、"Nome-Lugar-Objeto "等名称。

See_also: ▷梦见头虱 难以置信的启示


要玩这个游戏,每个玩家必须有一张纸,上面将画出一张表。 在这个表的每一列中,将推出一个主题,一个类别。 这些类别将指导游戏。

第一轮开始,从字母表中抽出一个字母,每个玩家必须在表格的每一列中完成一个单词/名字。 例如:动物用i,颜色用i,汽车用i,等等。

先完成线的玩家喊 "停 "并停止游戏,得分最多的玩家是这一轮的赢家。


See_also: ▷带Ç的水果【完整列表】 ▷带Ç的水果

John Kelly

John Kelly is a renowned expert in dream interpretation and analysis, and the author behind the widely popular blog, Meaning of Dreams Online. With a deep passion for understanding the mysteries of the human mind and unlocking the hidden meanings behind our dreams, John has dedicated his career to studying and exploring the realm of dreams.Recognized for his insightful and thought-provoking interpretations, John has gained a loyal following of dream enthusiasts who eagerly await his latest blog posts. Through his extensive research, he combines elements of psychology, mythology, and spirituality to provide comprehensive explanations for the symbols and themes present in our dreams.John's fascination with dreams began during his early years, when he experienced vivid and recurring dreams that left him intrigued and eager to explore their deeper significance. This led him to obtain a bachelor's degree in Psychology, followed by a master's degree in Dream Studies, where he specialized in the interpretation of dreams and their impact on our waking life.With over a decade of experience in the field, John has become well-versed in various dream analysis techniques, allowing him to offer valuable insights to individuals seeking a better understanding of their dream world. His unique approach combines both scientific and intuitive methods, providing a holistic perspective thatresonates with a diverse audience.Apart from his online presence, John also conducts dream interpretation workshops and lectures at prestigious universities and conferences worldwide. His warm and engaging personality, combined with his deep knowledge on the subject matter, make his sessions impactful and memorable.As an advocate for self-discovery and personal growth, John believes that dreams serve as a window into our innermost thoughts, emotions, and desires. Through his blog, Meaning of Dreams Online, he hopes to empower individuals to explore and embrace their subconscious mind, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and fulfilled life.Whether you are searching for answers, seeking spiritual guidance, or simply intrigued by the fascinating world of dreams, John's blog is an invaluable resource for unraveling the mysteries that lie within us all.