▷所有GTA San Andreas XBox 360代码

John Kelly 12-10-2023
John Kelly

查看特殊代码,让你在Xbox 360上的GTA San Andreas更加精彩。 互联网上最好的代码在这里。 查看它们。


  • 左,Y,RT,LT,上,X,Y,下,B,LB,LT (2) - 当这个代码被激活时,所有汽车都会有硝基。
  • 右,RT,向上,LB(2),左,RT,LT,RT(2)- 通过激活游戏中的所有交通灯变成绿色。
  • 下,X,A,左,RT,RB,左,下,LT,LT----。 你可以在游戏中的所有武器上获得杀手级别。
  • 右,RT,上,LB 2),左,RT,LT,RT(2)----。 汽车越来越快。
  • y, lt, y, rb, x, lt (2) - 汽车变得看不见了。
  • X, Down, LB, Up, LT, B, Up, A, Left - 允许汽车飞行。
  • X, RB, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, LB, A - 如果你想让汽车漂浮起来,请激活。
  • 右,RB,B,RT,LB,X,RT,RB - 该法规允许汽车在水上行驶。
  • RB, B, Up, LT, Right, RT, Right, Up, X, Y - 该法规允许船只飞行。


  • 左,左,LB,RT,右,X,X,LT,LB,A - 改变你游戏中的天空,使其变成橙色。
  • b, b, lt, x, lt, x, x, x, lt, y, b, y - 游戏时间开始加速运行。
  • Y,上,右,下,LB,LT,X - 游戏变得比正常时间快。
  • RB, A, LT, LT, lb, lb, X - 因此,游戏时间是在早上。
  • RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, 低 -- 游戏时间总是在正午。
  • X, LT, RT, Right, A, Up, LT, Left, Left ------。 游戏时间总是在午夜。


  • RT,RT,B,RB 上,下,上,下,上,下 -- 用来降低你想要的水平。
  • B,右,B,右,左 , X, Y, 向上 - 用它来避免警察的进一步骚扰。
  • B,右,B,右,左,X,Y,向上 - 阻止了所需的游戏水平。
  • RT, RT, B, RB, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down - 在你的游戏中再次激活想要的级别。
  • RT,RT,B,RB,右,左,右,左,右,左------。 如果你想提高你的想要的水平,请使用这个代码。


  • RT,RB,LT,A,左,下,右,上,左,下,右,上 -- 有了这个代码,你可以得到25万美元和最高级别的生活和保护马甲。
  • RT,RB,LT,A,左,下,右,上,左,下,右,上 -- 激活后,你将成为无敌的,直到游戏结束。
  • LT, RT, X, RT, Left, RB, RT - 如果你希望在游戏结束前拥有无限的弹药而不需要重新装弹,请激活这个代码。
  • RT,RB,LT,RB,左,下,右,上,左,下,右,上 -- 在游戏过程中的任何时候,都有1级武器库的活动包。
  • RT, RB, LT, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left - 在游戏中的任何时候都能激活2级武器包。
  • RT, RB, LT, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down - 活动 在游戏中的任何时候,都可以使用3级武器包。


  • Y, Y, X, B, A, LT, LB, Low, Low - 形成一个漩涡。
  • 下,RT,B,LB,A,RT,LT,左,左----。 如果你想创建一辆 "Bloodring Banger "汽车,请使用此代码。
  • B, LT, Up, RT, LB, A, RT, LT, B, A- 创建一个卡迪车,或高尔夫车。
  • RB, LT, LT, Right, Up, Up, A, LT, Left----。 创建一个推土机车。
  • RT,B,RB,右,LT,LB,A,A,X,RT - 创建Hotring Racer Car #1。
  • RB, LT, B, Right, LT, RT, Right, Up, B, RB - 创建了Hotring Racer Car #2。
  • b, a, lt, b, lt, b, rt, rb, lb, lt, lt- 创建一个猎人。
  • Y,Y,X,B,A,LT,LT,向下,向上 - 创建一个九头蛇(Jet)。
  • 右,上,RT,RT,下,Y,Y,A,B,LT,LT - 创建一个怪物车。
  • 左、左、下、下、上、上、X、B、Y、RT、RB----。 创造了一辆四轮摩托。
  • 向上,向右,向右,LT,向右,向上,X,LB----。 创造了一辆Rancher汽车。
  • B, B, LT, B, B, LT, lb, rt, Y, B, Y - 用来制造犀牛(战斗坦克)。
  • RB,上,LB,左,RT,LT,B,右 - 用来创建Stretch Car。
  • B, Up, LT, LB, Down, RT, LT, Left, Left, A, Y - 如果你想创建特技飞机,就用它。
  • RT, Up, Left, Right, RB, Up, Right, X, Right, LB, LT, LT - 创建一个油罐车。


  • 左,右,LT,LB,RT,RB,上,下,左,右 - 用来激活喷气背包。
  • 左,右,LT,LB,RT,RB,上,下,右,LT - 用来启动降落伞设备。


  • LT, RT, Y, Down, RB, A, LT, Up, LB, LB, LT, LT - 以达到游戏中的最大尊重水平。
  • Y, Up ,Up, Left, Right, X, B, Down ------。 胖子的性格。
  • Y、上、左、右、X、B、左 -- 性格变得强大。
  • Y、上、左、右、X、B、右------。 该人物不再有任何肌肉或脂肪。
  • 上,左,A,Y,RT,B,B,LB - 激活了更难打的选项。
  • A, A, X, RT, LT, A, Down, Left, A - 将游戏改变为肾上腺素水平。
  • 下,左,中,下,RB,下,LB,下----。 允许你在水下时拥有无限的呼吸。
  • X, LB, RT, Y, Up, X, LB, Up, A- 你的角色在游戏中从不感到饥饿。
  • B, Y, Y, Up, B, RT, LB, Up, Y, LT, LT - 以达到最大程度的性吸引力。
  • 上,上,Y,Y,上,左,右,X,RB,RB - 让你在游戏中跳得更高。

John Kelly

John Kelly is a renowned expert in dream interpretation and analysis, and the author behind the widely popular blog, Meaning of Dreams Online. With a deep passion for understanding the mysteries of the human mind and unlocking the hidden meanings behind our dreams, John has dedicated his career to studying and exploring the realm of dreams.Recognized for his insightful and thought-provoking interpretations, John has gained a loyal following of dream enthusiasts who eagerly await his latest blog posts. Through his extensive research, he combines elements of psychology, mythology, and spirituality to provide comprehensive explanations for the symbols and themes present in our dreams.John's fascination with dreams began during his early years, when he experienced vivid and recurring dreams that left him intrigued and eager to explore their deeper significance. This led him to obtain a bachelor's degree in Psychology, followed by a master's degree in Dream Studies, where he specialized in the interpretation of dreams and their impact on our waking life.With over a decade of experience in the field, John has become well-versed in various dream analysis techniques, allowing him to offer valuable insights to individuals seeking a better understanding of their dream world. His unique approach combines both scientific and intuitive methods, providing a holistic perspective thatresonates with a diverse audience.Apart from his online presence, John also conducts dream interpretation workshops and lectures at prestigious universities and conferences worldwide. His warm and engaging personality, combined with his deep knowledge on the subject matter, make his sessions impactful and memorable.As an advocate for self-discovery and personal growth, John believes that dreams serve as a window into our innermost thoughts, emotions, and desires. Through his blog, Meaning of Dreams Online, he hopes to empower individuals to explore and embrace their subconscious mind, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and fulfilled life.Whether you are searching for answers, seeking spiritual guidance, or simply intrigued by the fascinating world of dreams, John's blog is an invaluable resource for unraveling the mysteries that lie within us all.